at Black Horse Hill Junior School
It is essential that everybody working in a school or college understands their safeguarding responsibilities. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play ensuring children and young people are safe from abuse, neglect exploitation and harm. Our school is committed to safeguarding children and aims to create a culture of vigilance. All staff should make sure that any decisions made are in the best interests of the child.
Our pupils’ welfare is our paramount concern. The governing body will ensure that our school will safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils and work together with agencies to ensure that our school has adequate arrangements to identify, assess and support those children who are suffering or where significant harm is suggested.
Key Contacts

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Headteacher, Paul Hindle
tel: 151 625 8446
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Deputy Headteacher, Karen Taylor
tel: 0151 625 8446
Nominated governor for Safeguarding and C P
Karen Ellson
tel: 0151 625 8446
Chair of Governors
Karen Ellson
tel: 0151 625 8446
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
Pamela Cope, In the absence of the LADO officer, the duty IRO officer from the team covers this role and the contact number for them is
tel: 0151 666 4442
Prevent Team Merseyside Police
Prevent Team
tel: 0151 777 8125
Prevent Co-ordinator
Claire Wright
tel: 0151 777 8125 email: Claire.Wright@liverpool.gov.uk
Director of Children’s Services
Elizabeth Hartley
tel: 0151 606 2000
Integrated Front Door
Mon-Fri, 9:00am – 5.00pm tel: 0151 606 2008
Outside of these hours tel: 0151 677 6557
In an emergency tel: 999
For non-emergency but possible crime tel: 101