at Black Horse Hill Junior School
We have a standard admission number of 60 in each year group with the School accepting children in Year 3 to Year 6. Children attending Black Horse Hill Infant school will automatically be eligible for a place at Black Horse Hill Junior School, even if they do not live in the school’s catchment area. The children admitted to school in Year 3 in September are those who will be eight by 31st August of the following year.
to ensure smooth transition from school to school;
to provide the child with a safe, basic knowledge about the school in order to develop their confidence;
to develop and maintain a close working relationship with parents at all times;
to assess the individual child's capabilities and stage of development in order to plan a suitable programme of work for them;
to familiarise the children and the parents with the whole school and its environment;
to make all new families very welcome as they join our school's community.
Please follow the link below for further information on the Local Authority Admissions Policy and processes: