at Black Horse Hill Junior School

Our school SENDCO is Mrs Philip (Miss Haslam is currently covering her maternity leave) , who can be contacted via the main school office on 0151 625 8446

A full copy of the SEN school report can be downloaded by clicking on the link below:

Further information, on a range of issues regarding your child’s education and SEND, can also be found on the Local Authority website.

SEND Admissions

The admission of children with a statement of Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan is dealt with by a completely separate procedure. Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care plan that names the school must be admitted. Where this takes place before the allocation of places under these arrangements, this will reduce the number of places available to other children. 

Under the Equality Act, it is unlawful for schools to discriminate because of sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender reassignment of another person with whom the pupil is associated. The school are required to make reasonable adjustments so that all children can access their facilities and services. 

SEND Complaints

At Black Horse Hill Junior School we strive to work closely with parents/carers when supporting their child with SEN, and therefore welcome any concerns regarding SEND policy or provision made to be discussed as soon as possible. 

In the first instance, please speak with the pupil’s class teacher or SENDCO. After that, if parents/carers still feel their child’s needs aren’t being met, a discussion with the Headteacher would be appropriate. If it was still felt that the complaint had not been addressed, then you can follow the procedures outlined in our school policy.